Mannford’s Robert Gonzalez – Cross Country Spotlight – Presented by Indian Electric Cooperative 

By Ariel Casida

Robert Gonzalez is a junior at Mannford High School and has been involved with sports since he was six years old and continued when he was older to stay in shape. He started with baseball and later moved to focusing only on cross country and track. He has definitely been putting the work into his sport. He has won almost 30 medals in first, second, and third place in track and placed 27th for a 5k in cross country.

Athletes always remember who helped them through their athletic careers. Robert  tells us that his coach, Coach Reed, has inspired him by helping him to prove to himself that there is more in him than he thought. 

Sports have taught Robert many things, but the most important thing is never to give up and to keep working at his goals until he achieves them. The most powerful motivator for Robert is when someone tries to tell him that there is a goal that he can’t achieve, it only makes him put in the effort to prove that he can. His biggest role model is Ken Block, an American professional rally driver for the Hoonigan Racing Division, because of his stunt driving and rally racing skills. Even though he has passed away, his driving skills were legendary. In his free time, Robert likes to hang out with his friends and attend racing events. After high school, he plans to take off with a racing career.

His favorite part about sports is the ability to meet new people and forge new friendships. Friendships made during sports can absolutely carry on with us throughout our lives, having a lasting influence. Robert says that to be a good athlete, you have to eat, sleep, hydrate, and give it your all. The advice that he wants to give his fellow athletes is to never give up, or you’ll regret it.