Nola Ross is a cheerleader and softball player for the Glencoe Panthers. She is an outstanding athlete and student and VYPE took a few minutes to get to know a little more about her.
VYPE: Along with your sports, are you involved in any other clubs or organizations?
Ross: I am also involved in Future Farmers of America, 4-H, student council, and the National Honor Society.
VYPE: Who are some people in your life that have made a big impact on you?
Ross: My mom has made a big impact in my life. She has never given up on me and she is always my biggest cheerleader at pig shows and softball games.
VYPE: Is there a teacher or teachers that have been influential in your life?
Ross: My favorite teacher is my English teacher, Mrs. Eason. She is such a kind person and a really good teacher and she is always willing to help me whenever I need her to.
VYPE: What does it mean to you to be able to represent your school?
Ross: I am very proud to be able to represent my school with all of my activities. Most of my family went to Glencoe, so getting to go to school where they did is so cool. So I just represent it the best I can every chance I get.
VYPE: What has been your favorite moment throughout your high school career so far?
Ross: My favorite high school moment was probably getting to go to Washington D.C. for 11 days with my 4-H group.
VYPE: What does it take to balance your school work and the activities you are involved in?
Ross: At first it wasn’t easy getting all my work done on top of activities. Having good grades is very important to me so I learned to get my work ahead of time and let my teacher know so I can stay on top of it.
VYPE: What is your favorite quote or piece of advice that someone has given you?
Ross: My favorite piece of advice comes from my softball coach, coach Linsemeyer. He says you either do it the easy way or the hard way and the hard way is a lot of running so just do it right the first time.