By Ariel Casida
Many parents don’t know how to get started with helping out their child’s team. When Jessica Jeffery’s daughter signed up for softball, she wasn’t sure exactly what to do to help out but decided to sign up to help with the concessions. While she was there, she was able to see so many opportunities to help out with. She dove right in and signed up to help decorate for their senior night and the end of the year banquet. She also made sure to let them know that if they needed extra help anywhere, to give her a call. She was later asked by Jodi Weiberg to be their booster club president and agreed to fill that role.
Jessica prides herself on being open and transparent with helping the team. She works hard to answer any questions, working with others to get answers when necessary. “I want our athletes and coaches to be taken care of for sure, but I also want our parents to enjoy our girl’s season,” she says. Jessica says that being an involved parent means getting out there and volunteering.
Jessica’s favorite part of being a sports mom is the joy of watching her kids work hard to achieve their goals. “Just knowing it will lead to greater goals is so fun to be present for,” Jessica says. The toughest part for Jessica about being a sports mom is also a blessing in disguise for her. It’s tough for her to watch her kids struggle through issues or lose a game; but it’s such a great moment to be able to watch the kids persevere through those situations and grow to overcome them.

Jessica has learned that in sports, you have to enjoy the good and work through the bad. Jessica says “The bad times won’t last forever. Also, I have to remind myself that some things aren’t as serious as someone else wants you to think they are.”
Some people that have helped Jessica throughout her time helping with her daughter’s sports are Jodi Weiberg, Jake Fahlenkamp, the other booster club members, and Coach Brown and his coaching staff. She says that she wanted to give a special thanks to Coach Andrue Brown, Coach Allison Rattay, and the whole coaching staff for being so amazing. She has also been supported by her family, and her amazing husband. They’re always ready to help out when she needs them.