Q&A with Perry’s Alliyah Shrum – Track Spotlight – Presented by Stillwater Medical Center of Perry

By: Hunter Ferguson

Perry runner Alliyah Shrum recently completed an interview with VYPE.

VYPE: What are your personal goals for the year?

My personal goals for this season are improving my running form and having a better time in my 100 and 200-yard dashes.

VYPE: What is your favorite athletic memory?

Winning the 3A 2023 State Championship this past softball season.

VYPE: What teammate has left the biggest impression on you and why?

Kennedy Hight, I have gotten the opportunity to have two years with her and she is one I will always look up to. She is an amazing leader and will always be “the go” a team needs.

VYPE: What is your favorite part of being on this team?

Winning relays with my teammates knowing we are putting in the work together every day.

VYPE: Do you participate in any community service projects?

I am not working with any at the moment but I have in the past. I have worked with Mingle on Main and they work with the whole community of Perry.

VYPE: What Clubs or Campus groups are you involved with and why?

I am part of NHS, Stuco, and FCA. These groups make it possible for Perry to show what the students of its town have and what they can bring to the community. All of them give back to our community and give a positive message to our school. 

VYPE: What has your sport taught you that you use in your daily life?

Everything takes work, track isn’t just about how fast you can run. It’s the form, how you get out of the blocks, being able to be a teammate, and being coachable. All of that takes work and if you put in the work you will see the progress.

VYPE: What is the best advice that anyone has given you?

The best advice I have gotten is the work you put in behind the scenes, will always be the most important. If you aren’t doing something towards your goal, someone is one day ahead of you. 

VYPE: Who inspires you and why?

My dad inspires me the most because he knows that I have potential, but wants to see it through the work I put in, he has always been there to motivate me.