Throughout an athlete’s career, they can experience a number of moments that were only possible because of their hard work and dedication. Henley Hembree has a couple of moments that stand out as her favorites.
“The highlight of my high school career so far was getting second place at state in the 1600 meter relay,” she stated. “Another highlight was being an honorable mention for the 89er All-Conference.”
Henley is a sophomore at Tonkawa High School, where she is involved in a few different activities. She is part of the cross country, basketball, track, and cheer teams. She is also a member of Extended Studies.
There have been people in Hembree’s life that have helped her become the person and the athlete that she is today.

“My three older sisters have set the bar high for me,” Henley said. “They have been my role models, not only in sports but in academics as well. Mr. Fath is a teacher that has had a big impact on my education. He will do almost anything to help you succeed in the classroom.”
Becoming a successful athlete is not something that happens overnight. Instead, it takes a lot of time and effort and willingness to go the extra mile.
“It has taken a lot of work ethic and a positive attitude to succeed in the sports I do,” Hembree said. “You have to be willing to put in extra work outside of practices. Setting goals motivates me to work harder and meet those goals.”
When she and her teammates compete, Henley says that she is proud to wear the Tonkawa uniform and knows that she is playing for more than just herself.
“I love being able to represent my school on the court and in all of the sports I do,” she said. “I enjoy competing against Blackwell. It is always a highly attended and exciting game.”
Hembree follows a number of people on social media that have a positive impact on her.
“One of my favorite follows is Sadie Robertson,” she said. “She is a young christian speaker and I enjoy listening to her sermons and applying them to my daily life.”
Photo Credit: John Holden