Blackwell’s Michaleen Paige – Athlete Spotlight – Presented by BancFirst of Blackwell 

Throughout a teacher’s career, there can be a countless number of students that they are educating. And while the lessons and classwork are important, Michaeleen Paige says that there is more to being a teacher than just that.

“My greatest contribution to education has been the opportunity to experience the lives of the thousands of students who have walked into my classroom and shared their dreams, heartaches, humor, orneriness, and aspirations,” she said. “I sincerely care about each and every one of my students, even when we might not see eye-to-eye.  I enthusiastically encourage and celebrate each student’s success on projects because it helps create a positive campus atmosphere and enhances my students’ self-esteem.”

Michaeleen is in her twenty-fifth year of teaching at Blackwell High School. During those years, she has taught a number of different subjects. She taught PreAP and English for sixteen years, Yearbook for seventeen years, Computers 2 and Fundamentals of Technology, for seven years, and she taught the Alternative Education program for seventeen years. She has also served as a Co-Director for the Alternative Education program, Media Specialist, and District Library Media Specialist.

While she has devoted many years to the education field, Michaeleen did not always plan to become an educator. 

“My story is not a typical one because I had no intentions of ever becoming a teacher,” she stated. “After earning my bachelor’s degree in Fashion Merchandising, I had aspirations of earning a master’s degree in technical writing. Instead, due to extenuating circumstances, I pursued teaching certification in English. After earning my certification, I worked as a youth and family counselor for four and a half years. I realized through my work as a counselor that I had an affinity forat-risk students and youth in general, seeing a need to educate and advocate for them.  Finally, I found myself searching for a career as a teacher. Fortunately, I was hired at my alma mater, Blackwell High School, where I have been for 25 years, so far.”

Paige and her husband, Derry, have been married for thirty-one years. They have two children, a daughter, Hunter Paige, and their son, Axel Paige.  

When she is not in the classroom teaching, Michaeleen has other things that she enjoys spending her time doing. And, she has a new venture that she has been working on.

“I own a vintage store that I’m getting ready to open, so I like to work there and shop for unique vintage items around the state with my sister,” she said. “I also like to read, especially Stephen King books and dystopian novels.”