VYPE: What all sports do you coach?
Justin: I am the head football coach at Ponca City. I used to be the head wrestling coach.
VYPE: How long have you been at your school?
Justin: I have been here for nine years.
VYPE: What do you enjoy most about coaching?
Justin: I like the relationships that you build with coaches and players.
VYPE: What caused you to get into coaching?
Justin: I love sports and teaching so it was an obvious choice.
VYPE: What have been some of the highlights of your coaching career?
Justin: Making the state playoffs twice as a defensive coordinator and being able to represent our school at dual state wrestling.

VYPE: Who are some coaches that have impacted or influenced you or your career?
Justin: Coach Fry, Coach LaRue, Coach Love, Coach Harmon, Coach Steidley, and Coach Fincher have helped shape me into the coach I am today.
VYPE: Who are some college or professional coaches that you look up to if any?
Justin: I look up to coaches at programs like K-State football, Alabama football, University of Oklahoma Women’s Softball, and Uconn Women’s basketball.
VYPE: You can pick any place for a summer vacation, where do you go and who do you take with you?
Justin: Vacations for my family are sporting events, so it would be that and it would be with my family.
VYPE: Here is your chance to give a shoutout or say thank you to anyone you wish.
Justin: Thank You Ponca City Public Schools for giving me the opportunity to be a head coach.
VYPE: What is your all-time favorite meal?
Justin: Fettuccine Alfredo
VYPE: Do you have a favorite stadium that your team plays at?
Justin: Rougher Village. The competition is always high level.
VYPE: Name three people you would want with you in a zombie apocalypse?
Justin: Coach Love, Ty Burns, Coach LaRue
VYPE: What opponent do you look forward to playing this season?
Justin: Muskogee