Stillwater Teacher Kelsie Tate – Presented by Simmons Bank

Everyone has at least one teacher that made an impact on their life at some point in their educational journey. As she looks back, Kelsie Tate says that there is one teacher that really played a big role in her life.

“My History and English teacher, also known as my mom Nikki Williams, had the biggest impact on me,” she recalled. “Cheesy but so true. I had many wonderful teachers when in school; however, the passion, enthusiasm, and dedication mom poured into her subject field and students is unparalleled. She is excellent and brilliant in her subject field. She always looked to learn more relevant and innovative ways to teach. And most importantly, all her students knew they had a home in her classroom and she genuinely cared about them.”

Kelsie is entering her fourth year as an educator at Stillwater High School. She is a Study Skills instructor in the Pathfinder Academy.

When she was on a mission trip, Tate says that is when her eyes were opened to what kind of a career she wanted to pursue.

“During a summer mission trip in Nicaragua, I was able to work in an orphanage that housed many children with a disability,” she said. “This week I worked with children on basic familiar day-to-day activities and skills that I had always taken for granted. After this week I knew I never wanted to stop working on gaining basic living skills with others and helping them to be the most independent individual they want to be. Now, as a teacher, I genuinely love to share life with my students. I love learning the desires of my student’s heart and working diligently to assist them see their desires and dreams come to fruition.”

Kelsie has been married to her husband, Jamie, for four years. They have a two year old daughter and a one year old son. She enjoys spending time with her family and doing fun things together.

“When I am not at school, I am spending time with my family,” she said. “We love to go to OSU athletic events, being in the mountains riding ATVs or skiing, and especially love going ‘home’ to southwest Oklahoma to the ranch I grew up on.”