Grant Cyran: OSU ROTC Spotlight


Grant Cyran

Entering his junior year at Oklahoma State University, Grant Cyran is majoring in Global Studies while a minor in Russian. When Cyran became a student at OSU, he knew becoming a member of the ROTC program was a top priority.

“I had always wanted to join the Army ever since I was little. ROTC gave me the ability to pursue an academic degree and a military career,” said Cyran.

ROTC was the right program for many reasons. From the team development aspect to taking the first steps toward a career in the military, Cyran said there are many reasons people join ROTC.

“ROTC offers you the ability to put yourself in team driven situations and develop a ‘we’ not ‘me’ mindset. I enjoy the ability to work with people who come from all walks of life. It offers the great ability of learning how to work with others who think differently than you do and achieve a common goal,” said Cyran.

A Bishop Kelley graduate, the junior said ROTC isn’t the only activity he enjoys doing at OSU.

“Outside of ROTC I’m involved at the Catholic Student Center on Campus, and am on the executive board for Russian Club,” said Cyran.

Having a family member who served help fuel his desire to join the ROTC program. Cyran’s father served as well as several other family members in past wars.

“My father was a Field Artillery Officer in the U.S. Army and served during Desert Storm. His father and all his uncles served in World War II,” said Cyran.

Once his time at Oklahoma State comes to an end, Cyran said he plans on entering active duty and making his service to the country a career.

“I plan on commissioning. I would like to make a career out of the military. However, I know life sometimes can throw curveballs at you and things change so I’m open to what’s to come. My top three MOS choices are Infantry, Field Artillery, and Armor,” said Cyran.

His advice to anyone interested in becoming a member of the OSU ROTC program is straight forward.

“I would say to try ROTC out but keep an open mind about it. It’s military oriented and if you come in with a close mind you won’t pick up on what it has to offer. ROTC offers you so many chances to better yourself and add a much bigger purpose to life. However, just like many things, you’ll only get out what you put in. If you devote yourself to it and are serious you will learn a great deal,” said Cyran.