Stillwater’s Seth Dunivan – Basketball Spotlight – Presented by The Hideaway

There are people in everyone’s life that have an impact on them and help shape them into the person that they become. This could be a celebrity or professional athlete or it could be someone that they are close to that is part of their everyday life. Seth Dunivan has some people that have always […]
Stillwater Area Underclassmen to Watch – Presented by Josh Moore – Shelter Insurance

Boys Basketball Seth Dunivan – Morrison He is just a sophomore but the potential and work ethic to be great. His motor never stops and just got better and better as a freshman last year. Tyce Slusser – Perkins-Tryon Tyce is a sophomore expected to make a big jump this season. He is skilled with […]
2024 Stillwater Pioneers Basketball Preview – Presented by Jene Kelly and Tina Gailey – Shelter Insurance

STILLWATER PIONEERS BOYS Coach: Sean Morgan 23-24 Record: 15-11 After being hit hard by graduation after last season, the Pioneers will need players to step up and fill those positions. Head coach Sean Morgan says that he has guys ready to get in and help make this a successful season. “We lost six seniors last […]
Stillwater Mom of the Month: Jeanette Mendez – Presented by Stillwater Family Care

Many parents will help out with their child’s sports or activities by helping with banquets, practices, or fundraisers. Jeanette Mendez went way beyond that by getting her certification to be an official for the swim team in Stillwater. She got involved to the max! To Jeanette, being an involved parent means supporting her kids, their […]