Perry’s Kennedy “KiKi” Hight – Athlete Spotlight – Presented by Stillwater Medical Center of Perry

Kennedy Hight– Perry High School Basketball, Softball, and Track By Scott Metz Perry High School senior Kennedy Hight is a talented, multi-sport athlete that plays basketball, softball, and track. Kennedy is a point guard in basketball, and shortstop in track for the Perry Maroons. Many would consider Kennedy a veteran in her sports. Kennedy stated, “I have grown up […]
Stillwater’s Kathy Phillips – Mom of the Month – Presented by Stillwater Family Care

By: Hunter Ferguson Kathy Phillips is the mother of twin Stillwater seniors Zoey and Sydni Phillips. Both girls have been members of the varsity track and field and varsity cross-country teams for four years – this year being their last. Phillips told VYPE that she attends “their meets, cooks the meal they want before a meet, […]